This release introduces new features, UI improvements, optimisations, and bug fixes to ensure a smoother and more efficient streaming experience.
Added setting to view descendants - Now, users can easily view and manage sub-accounts or related user structures within the system according to the setting you provide.
Improved Categories Page - The categories page has been refined for better usability, improved navigation, and clearer organisation of streams and media content.
Added "Suggest Install" after adding a server - After adding a new server, a prompt will now suggest installing the necessary components, ensuring a more streamlined setup process.
Added disallowed user agents to Mass Edit & Edit by Resellers - security by allowing mass blocking of specific user agents. This prevents unauthorized access or unwanted traffic from certain bots or applications.
Improved credits and password edit permissions - Fine-tuned permissions for better control over who can edit credits and passwords within the system, enhancing security and account management.
Changed default read-from-nginx cache limit from 512k to 3m - Increased the default buffer limit, optimizing performance and reducing buffering issues when handling large EPG’s.
Added a new page for Live Connections - A new dedicated page to monitor and manage all active live connections in real time, helping admins track viewer activity more efficiently with the new ReactJS.
Added bulk sync option to "Manage Packages" - Admins can now bulk-sync packages, making it easier to keep multiple service plans updated and aligned.
Adjusted credit permissions - Permissions for managing credits have been fine-tuned to prevent unauthorized actions and ensure better financial oversight.
Visibility improvements in Registration Requests - Enhancements to how registration requests are displayed, making it easier for admins to review and approve/reject new signups.
Improvements to connection validation - Strengthened connection validation mechanisms to prevent unauthorized or unstable connections, reducing potential service violations.
Added option to disconnect clients on stream restart - When restarting a stream, admins now have the option to automatically disconnect clients, preventing playback errors and ensuring a clean session reset.
UI Improvements for "Manage Servers" - The interface for managing servers has been refined, making it more intuitive and easier to navigate.
Added support for mv4 and other formats - Expanded format compatibility, allowing playback and encoding for mv4 and additional media formats.
UI Improvements for "Manage Streams" - Enhanced stream management interface, making it easier to filter, sort, and organize streams.
Added subscription message type: "Video Redirect" - A new subscription messaging feature that allows video redirection in case of subscription-related notifications is needed.
Added statistics for least-watched content - Users can now track and analyze their least-viewed content, helping them make better content decisions.
Added tmdb_id to XC get_vod_streams - API enhancements to support TMDB integration, improving metadata retrieval for Video-on-Demand (VOD) streams.
UI Improvements - Notifications are now displayed with the newest on top, ensuring users see the most recent updates first.
Fixed categories filter on "Manage Series" - Resolved an issue where certain category filters weren’t applying correctly.
Fixed error when filtering by owner - Users can now filter by the owner without encountering errors.
Fixed mass edit lines with filters - Fixed a bug that caused incorrect edits when applying mass edits using filters.
Fixed name formatting in "Enigma Export" - Names now export correctly without formatting errors.
Fixed extra division by 100 in MP4 burst - Resolved an incorrect calculation issue in MP4 burst encoding.
Fixed wrong value for tmdb lang in watch folder episodes - Ensured correct TMDB language settings for VOD episodes.
Fixed issue with duplicating audio/video streams when encoding VOD - VOD encoding no longer duplicates audio/video streams.
Fixed credits concurrency issue - Addressed a problem where credits were being processed incorrectly in concurrent transactions.
Fixed error when sorting streams by category in "Manage Streams" - Sorting streams by category now works as expected.
Fixed occasional crashing of error pages - Improved error handling to prevent system crashes when an error page is displayed.
Fixed "Devices Require Password" setting - The setting now applies correctly to all intended devices.
Fixed bouquet reordering issue (from -1 bug) - Users can now reorder bouquets properly without unexpected errors.
Fixed watch folder UTF-8 encoding issues - Watch folder processing now correctly handles UTF-8 encoding.
Fixed mass edit lines bug - A bug in mass editing has been resolved, ensuring proper updates across multiple lines.
Fixed issue where users couldn’t edit reseller_notes - Resellers can now properly edit notes as intended.
See more:
New Features & Improvements

🛠Bug Fixes & Optimizations