We have just finished developing and released our BETA bot for your customers, it works as a Telegram bot linking your XUi or Xtream UI panel. We have plans to further develop the bot and would like your help to do it. If successful we also have plans to develop it to work with other platforms i.e. Discord etc.
Introducing the Automated Payment Solutions Telegram bot!
We can save you hours of admin time as our bot connected securely with your panel to allow your customers to:
Receive Expiry Reminders
Buy or renew subscriptions
Manage their account
No more questions about when subs expire.
No more password reminders
No more manual creations of lines
No more hassle.
visit the link to find out more and get started today!
If you have any questions please feel free to ask, thank you.
Automated Payment Solutions
Introducing the Automated Payment Solutions Telegram bot!
We can save you hours of admin time as our bot connected securely with your panel to allow your customers to:
Receive Expiry Reminders
Buy or renew subscriptions
Manage their account
No more questions about when subs expire.
No more password reminders
No more manual creations of lines
No more hassle.
visit the link to find out more and get started today!
If you have any questions please feel free to ask, thank you.
Automated Payment Solutions
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